I spend my time outside of class……..

Hello, my name is Aaron, and today I will talk about “How I spend my time outside of the class.” Please read carefully.

When I wake up, I set up for go to the school. I ate my breakfast, pack up the materials for the study and wear the clothes. I always take 1 yuan for the city bus. My brother (Neo), me, and Ben are living in same apartment, so we took the bus together. Also, I go to the school.

After the school, I go to my house by the city bus, it is of course 1 yuan. I went to home with my brother and Ben. We talked in the bus and sometimes play the game. Then, 25 minutes went very fast. Also, I arrived in my home.

In my home, first I wash my hand and secondly I do my homework and study for quiz and test. After I did all of my homework, then I can have rest time for feeling better. I watch computer (or the laptop), for watching the games. I like play the game, but I also like watching the game. Sometimes, I watch the Korean or English movie until my dad comes, when I eat my dinner.

Sometimes, I had my dinner in the home, and sometimes, I had my dinner in the outside. I like meat, so my family went outside for me. After, I ate my dinner, I brush my teeth and if I have the quiz or the test, I study at that time. Then, I went to the bed and sleep.

Those are all of times that I spend outside of the class, thanks for read my essay I hope you didn’t sleep. Bye